Informative essays are meant to educate the reader on a specific topic. It also helps indicate how to do something. These particular essays answer the questions of who, what, where, why, and how. An informative article is not meant to express the writer’s opinion or be convincing. That is where a persuasive essay would be used.
There are many types of essays, all with specific roles to play. Depending on the writer’s message, they will choose the style that best suits the topic. Schools assign informative essays at a reasonably early grade. As students get older, the more intricate the requirements will become. All the way to college, where the criteria can be tricky, but if the proper planning and understanding of how to execute an informative it can be pretty enjoyable as learning about your topic can be interesting. Knowledge is power, and with that being said, writing in a way that can educate others and yourself can be very satisfactory.
Some guidelines and aspects need to be followed to ensure that this form of essay is correctly done. So let’s dive into these important, but once grasped, simple structure and focus points of an informative essay type.
Structure of an Informative Essay
Introduction Paragraph
This vital part of any essay and of informative writing is to introduce the topic to the reader. This is your chance to present your thesis statement. A sentence that informs the reader about the main body idea, almost as a one-sentence summary of the information in the paper. Introductions, although usually just a paragraph, can sometimes also be a whole page in length.
To write an intriguing introduction, you will need to focus on clearly explaining what the essay is all about while drawing the reader in. Try to use sentence and word choices that will catch their attention. Then, briefly discuss what will follow. As you try to create a hook that piques the reader’s interest, try not to do so in a persuasive manner by including facts and details of the topic and contents of the paper. Be careful not to have the entire contents in this paragraph; it should give a short informative taste of what’s to come.
On average, an introduction should be about 50-80 words, coming in at around 3 to 5 sentences, but as mentioned earlier, they can be longer, it does depend on the length of the essay for example; a 2000 word essay should have an introduction around 100-200 words.
How to Write Body Paragraphs
This section will be the bulk of the essay. The thesis statement will now be discussed in further detail. This part is where you will insert all the facts, statements, and statistics.
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The body of an essay in the backbone gives ample opportunity to express the research and explain what the writer is trying to convey. All the information should be spoken about here and backed up by factual detail. There can be several paragraphs written here, giving the reader insight into the message that is trying to be carried over.
There aren’t any set rules saying that an essay’s body must have a certain number of paragraphs, but there is a minimum of three. It can contain; paraphrasing or be directly cited from a source. For smooth transitioning, make sure that the essay is divided into paragraphs, starting with the thesis statement and the rest following sensibly from the one before it.
How to Write a Conclusion
This will be the last paragraph, separate from the body. It stands on its own and is what ties the paper together. Writing a very long essay can sometimes require you to write two or three paragraphs to conclude, but more commonly, it is only one.
The sole purpose of a conclusion is to summarize the essay’s focus points and simply revise the information given. They may also offer a deeper insight or add a little more to the existing knowledge. It aims to provide a sense of closure while also referring to the introduction. It’s a chance to give the reader something to think about, which helps them absorb what they have learned while reading the informative essay.
How do I Write an Informative Essay?
Step 1: Choose a topic suitable for the occasion you are writing for
Step 2: Start by researching your specific topic.
Step 3: Choose which information you want and don’t want to add to your essay.
Step 4: Create an outline to organize the facts and create structure.
Step 5: Make a rough draft using the outline you made.
Step 6: Go through, edit and proofread.
Step 7: Look for any grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Then have someone else read through it to ensure it flows, has no errors, and adequately conveys the topic.
Examples of Informative Essays
Below we will look at three different informative essay topics and view the informative essay writing process. This will give you a good idea of what a good informative essay should look like.
How to Safely Exercise After Birth
Exercising after giving birth can be daunting, but following guidelines and the correct way will ensure a safe workout session! After giving natural birth or having a cesarean operation, many women genuinely start feeling the after-effects of pregnancy. This can commonly include feeling unfit or unhappy with the baby weight that they’ve gained, which is a natural and healthy attribute of pregnancy. Being cleared by your doctor that you may start working out again can be very relieving and exciting, but if done too intensely, incorrectly, or too soon can pose some severe threats to your body and health. Thankfully there are many simple and beginner routines explicitly made for postpartum moms.
Before starting your journey to a healthier and fitter body, some essential requirements must be addressed first. Such as if you had a third or fourth-degree tearing during delivery, it’s better to wait for the tears to heal before starting. Another is if you had a cesarean, it is advised to wait for the six-week mark as it is classified as major surgery. Finally, you want to start slow with simple movements such as gentle pelvic floor and abdominal exercises but stop immediately if you feel pain.
The signs that your body isn’t ready to start exercising yet can consist of; vaginal pain, bleeding also known as Iochia, abdominal pain, fluid leakages such as urine, and any heaviness in your pelvic region, which could be a result of pelvic organ prolapse which is when the bladder, vagina rectum or uterus droop down in your pelvis. Don’t be discouraged if these occur. Simply stick to paced walking and consult with your practitioner. If you do not experience any of these signs, then you are clear to go ahead and work towards a stronger body for you and your baby. The best is to start progressing to walking with a pram and then shifting into increased length and pace of your walks. You can listen to your body and your practitioner to move to more intense workouts from here. After healing from your cesarean delivery, it’s recommended to do low-impact exercises such as yoga, swimming, and gentle but starting at a slow pace and working your way up.
Exercising after delivering doesn’t have to be intimidating or scary. As long as you follow the correct recommendations, listen to your body, and consult your practitioner about what pace will suit you and any concerns you may have.
How to Effectively Straighten Type C Hair
Straightening any type of chair can be done effectively with the correct technique and products. Many women, especially of color, have either kink in their hair or full-blown bouncy curls. Using a straightener on curly hair can be a bit worrying as this type tends to be dryer as the individual hairs are thinner than people who have naturally straight or soft waving hair. Many products and straighteners on the market claim to work wonders on type c hairs, but in actual fact, it’s all about technique and finding the right tools for your specific type of curl and hair density. The secret is to determine what type C texture you have and whether your hair needs more moisture, frizz control, etc. Also, learning about the temperatures of straighteners and how they will affect your hair is a great way to ensure no/minor heat damage.
When it comes to curly hair, it’s no secret that it can be quite dry. This is because of the hair’s twisted and curled nature, making your hair’s natural oils unable to coat the entire strand. This is why the lower you move down, the hair-drier it is. Unfortunately, this leaves ample
opportunity for heat damage as it will dry it, even more, leading to breakage, split ends, and frizz. The last thing is already dry and curled hair needs as this occurs naturally on its own.
To correctly straighten the type c hair, using a fiber towel after washing your hair is recommended to help with frizz and breakage. Then before applying any heat, use a high-quality heat protectant. After this has been evenly distributed, you’re ready to start straightening. Try using your straightener to 350 or 370 degrees for an effective outcome. To ensure you don’t miss any curls, section your hair into four parts, starting at one and moving your way to the other three. This is because straightening larger sections of hair will cause you to use more heat. The best brushing tool to use while straightening curly hair is a rat tail comb as it separates and exposes the hair that is usually clustered into curls. While moving through the sections, make sure you spirits each of them with a protectant mist but do not make the hair damp.
Type c hair is arguably the most challenging hair to straighten due to its rambunctious solid nature forcing it into its unruly style. However, with some care and the correct process, you can achieve beautifully straight hair while leaving no damage to your curls.
How does Social Media Affect Our Mental Health?
There has been a lot of talk in recent years about how social media can affect our mental health, which can affect our overall health. With more and more influencers, celebrities, and trends promoting specific standards, it is straightforward to fall into a state of insecurity. Social media is said to affect the younger generations, but in reality, anyone who has Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other form of media can be affected. It’s completely normal for new trends to pop up. For many years, they have been doing so, for example, the neon colors dull and funky hair that was the epitome of the 80s. The actual question is whether the effects of Social Media are bad or good?
This question may not be as easy to answer as many may think since the effect may differ from person to person. Depending on whether you have a mental health condition and what your different experiences on social media have been could be the critical factor to how it affects you mentally! Overall, most case studies have proven that social media has a very negative effect on mental health mainly because of comparison. Social media tends to show the world the best side of each life, and many young and old have fallen victim to not distinguishing reality between fake social media content.
Another aspect of social media that is daunting and especially feared by parents with young children is bullying. Social media is an easy tool to hide behind as your face and identity are unknown. Therefore, many bullies can target young children. Furthermore, social media can become an addiction or trap. This is especially dangerous for those with existing mental illnesses as they will want to see less “real” people, will constantly be on their phones, and may even start to avoid “real-life” situations. When children and adults start going down the spiral of social media, their psychological and mental health may also begin to go down a dangerous spiral.
The main focus for adults with youngsters should be to regularly check their social media profiles and have open, honest conversations with their children to ensure they are not hiding any secrets.
It will be necessary for adults to view the actions of their children to ensure that there is no declining mental health in place. Adults must educate themselves on the signs of mental illnesses and stop a downward spiral before it starts.
Social media in itself is not dangerous to your mental health, but what you do on it can negatively affect young children and those with previous mental health conditions. Therefore, it is vital that you closely monitor yourself and your children.
Informative essays are used to help distribute knowledge and ideas. They are important as they give the reader the capability and sense of how to complete a task or learn more about a specific topic. Like any other essay, they have a certain layout and set of guidelines to ensure that the topic is presented in a way that is easy to read and understand. The ability to quote and cite research helps the reader have all the information they need in one paper. They are not meant to persuade the reader or carry across an opinion, their sole purpose is to share in-depth insight and help them to understand the idea or topic that is being written about.