As the mother of a future bride, there can be abundant feelings – joy, excitement, and anticipation for the big day combined with fear and anxiety about delivering the perfect mother-of-the-bride speech. Don’t worry! The best way to prepare is to plan and ensure you are truly ready on the day of your daughter’s wedding.
In my quick guide, I’ll discuss the best tips and examples of how to create a great MOB speech that will touch heartstrings and some simple ways to practice so delivery will be flawless.
Mother’s Speech at a Daughter’s Wedding

A mother should use her daughter’s wedding as an opportunity to offer words of wisdom, share meaningful memories, and extend her unconditional love and support.
She should remind her daughter of the special bond they have always shared and that she’ll be there for her despite what challenges may arise in the future.
Lastly, she should give a toast to the couple and wish them a lifetime of happiness and joy in their marriage.
What Should a Mother of the Bride Say in Her Speech?
As a bride’s mother, your speech should be heartfelt, touching, and meaningful. It’s a wonderful opportunity to express your love, gratitude, and admiration for your daughter on her special day.
You can start by expressing how proud you are of her accomplishments and how excited you are to see her embarking on this next journey. Mention any fond memories you have shared with her or stories about how proud she has made you.
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Focus on the joy of the occasion and offer up words of wisdom for what lies ahead. End your speech with a wish for continued happiness for your daughter as she starts on her new life path.
What Does a Mother Say to Her Daughter on Her Wedding Day?
On your wedding day, a mother’s speech should express her love for her daughter and give words of wisdom. Start by telling your daughter how beautiful and radiant she looks and congratulate her on finding such a wonderful partner.
Acknowledge her joy in marrying someone she loves and admire the strength of their bond. Express your pride in the woman she has become and how much you have enjoyed watching her grow over the years.
Offer them both wise advice for their marriage and tell them to always be kind and compassionate with each other, no matter what life throws at them. Above all else, send them off, wishing them a lifetime of true love, happiness, and success together as husband and wife.
What Should You Not Say in a Wedding Speech?
When preparing a wedding speech, it is important to remember to watch your words. Avoid telling off-color jokes, negative comments about the couple or anyone else attending the wedding, or inappropriate stories from the past.
Stay away from politics and religion, as these could be sensitive topics for some guests. You should never share any embarrassing details about either party. Avoid using profanity – even if it seems mild, as you risk offending some more conservative audience members.
Wedding speeches should remain positive and uplifting – focus on celebrating the couple’s love and wishing them luck in their future together instead.
How Do You Start the Mother of the Bride Speech?
As the bride’s mother, your speech should be filled with emotion and excitement for your daughter’s special day. Begin by expressing your gratitude to everyone in attendance, and thank the groom’s family for their generous hospitality.
Acknowledge that you are honored and privileged to be part of this momentous occasion. Share heartfelt stories about the bride – how she always sports a smile or how she lights up when she talks about her future husband.
How Do You End the Mother of the Bride Speech?
End by congratulating them on this new chapter in their lives, reminding them of how loved they are. Wish them happiness as they embark on this journey together.
How Do I Bless My Daughter on Her Wedding Day?
Start by expressing how proud you are of her and her journey to reach this important milestone in her life. Acknowledge your happiness for the two of them, and wish them all the love, joy, and health in their future together.
Offer words of wisdom that may help guide them through the hard times they will inevitably face along the way, and let them know that your love, support, and prayers will always be with them.
Finally, thank the groom’s family for welcoming your daughter into their lives with open arms. By blessing the couple on their special day, you will show them just how much they mean to you.
Mother of the Bride Speech Template
If you want to write a heartwarming mother-of-the-bride speech, here are the main points to cover:
- Welcome the guests.
- Welcome your new son-in-law.
- Share some happy memories through a story.
- Reminisce childhood memories.
- Talk about the bride’s accomplishments.
- Say a few kind words about the groom.
- Mention why they are right for each other.
- Give the couple some short marriage advice.
- Congratulate the groom’s family for their amazing son.
- Make eye contact with the bride.
- Remind the couple they can always count on your support.
- Toast to the newly-wed couple.
Mother of the Bride Words of Wisdom
As the bride’s mother, you can offer advice and wisdom to your daughter and her new spouse.
Start by reminding them that love is not always easy, but if they commit to understanding each other and communicating openly, their relationship will grow stronger as time goes on.
Encourage them to prioritize their relationship by setting aside time for each other every day, even if only for a few minutes. Remind them that marriage should be based on respect, compassion, and trust. Tell them that these core values will keep them together no matter what life may bring.
Mother of the Bride Speech Example to Make Your Own
“I’m filled with immense love and joy for my daughter and her new husband on this special day. As I watched her grow up, her accomplishments did not surprise me; she has always been a bright light in our lives.
Today, as the two of you embark on your life together, I want to wish you the best of luck.
May the following years be full of laughter, love, and happiness. And may you always find comfort and support in one another through all of life’s highs and lows.
Congratulations to both of you!”
Mother of the Bride Speech Tips
To deliver the best speech possible, consider the following tips.
Avoid Telling Inside Jokes
For a mother of the bride’s speech, it is important to keep the tone respectful and meaningful. While inside jokes make excellent conversation between mother and daughter, they should usually be omitted during a wedding speech.
Inside jokes may be seen as inappropriate or overly familiar to other guests, and some may not understand their full context.
It also detracts from the sincerity of the moment by drawing attention away from the celebration of two families becoming one. Instead, focus on heartfelt memories that will resonate most with everyone present.
With that being said, a good MOB speech can sometimes include funny stories if related to both the daughter and son-in-law. It can make a sweet speech and show that the mother is light-hearted and pays attention to the new couple in front of a crowd of family members and guests.
Practice the Speech Beforehand
Practice makes perfect, and this is especially true for a mother of the bride’s wedding speech. Preparing ahead of time will give her confidence and help her find the right words to express everything she wants.
Practicing will also help with pacing and ensure she isn’t speaking too quickly or slowly throughout her speech.
Rehearsing ahead of time also allows her to make adjustments as needed to maximize her message’s impact on a special day.
Write Down Your Speech
Writing down a mother of the bride’s wedding speech helps ensure that all the important parts are included. It also allows her to take her time and craft her words to be just right for the special occasion.
A written copy makes it easier for her to add personal touches and express sincere sentiments without relying on memory alone. This ensures she will include all key points and remember everything important, helping her make the most of this beautiful moment.
Cry if You Feel Like It
Crying during a mother of the bride’s wedding speech is absolutely fine and encouraged if she feels it! It’s perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed with emotions in such a special moment, and shedding tears conveys those feelings more eloquently than words ever could.
This gesture can also be reassuring for the bride and groom to witness since it shows them how deeply their mother loves and cares for them.
Make the Speech Brief
It may be tempting for a mother of the bride to give a lengthy speech that captures every detail of her relationship with the bride or groom, but it’s important to keep this address relatively short.
Not only is a long-winded speech tiring for the speaker and audience alike, but it can also take away some of the excitement and surprise of the moment.
A mother of the bride should focus on delivering their most meaningful remarks efficiently and succinctly so that everyone remains engaged until the very end.
Don’t Joke if It Doesn’t Feel Right
Trying to be funny during a mother of the bride’s speech can easily backfire and detract from the sincere emotion that should be present in this special moment. A kind, heartfelt speech is much more meaningful and impactful than an attempt at humor.
The bride’s mother should take comfort in knowing that emotions such as love, admiration, and joy will come through, even without weaving jokes into her speech.
Above all, she should feel free to express herself however she sees fit without adhering to any particular expectations.
Talk About the Couple
A bride’s mother should use her speech to explain why she believes the couple is a perfect match.
When explaining why the couple makes such an ideal pair, she should reference examples of their shared values, goals, and interests that make them an excellent fit for one another. She could touch on memories that have solidified her belief that these two people were meant to be together.
Not only does this show her personal investment in the relationship, but it also serves as a touching illustration for all present to witness.
Remember the In-Laws
The mother of the bride should make sure to acknowledge the in-laws during her wedding speech. It is a way of honoring them and showing her appreciation for their presence and support on this special day.
She could use this opportunity to discuss the positive impact that they have had on the couple’s relationship, as well as emphasize how excited she is to welcome them into the family.
This can be a decisive moment that recognizes both sides of the newly formed union and reminds everyone just how thankful everyone involved should be for this mutual blessing.
Mother of the Bride Toast
As the bride’s mother, it’s a special moment for you to toast to your daughter and her new spouse.
The reception is usually an ideal time to give your toast, but if there are other essential speeches or moments at the wedding, it might be best to wait until those have finished.
Toast with words of love and congratulations that convey your hopes for the happy couple as they begin their lives together. Remember to raise a glass to honor this special occasion, and wish them all the best in their marriage.
Ideas for a Mother’s Speech at Daughter’s Wedding
For a mother of the bride’s speech, it is important to convey love and pride for her daughter.
Here are some touching examples she could include in her speech.
“My daughter has grown into an amazing young woman, and I couldn’t be prouder. Today marks a special day when two families become one. I will always love my daughter; now she has someone to share that love with.”
“Words can’t express how wonderful it is to see my daughter so happy on this special day. Seeing her walk down the aisle was emotional, but I know that all the joy and blessings being shared today will last forever.”
To Sum It Up
On your daughter’s wedding day, as her mother, you will want to say something memorable and meaningful. While it is okay to be sentimental, avoid saying anything that might embarrass your daughter or son-in-law. Instead, focus on expressing your love and gratitude for them both.